5 Lessons from Endometriosis Australia
There are currently over 830,000 women with endometriosis in Australia, and it has therefore become very important to provide both endometriosis research and information to our female population. Donna Ciccia, co-founder of Endometriosis Australia sat with Nicole Harnett and Tobias Atkins on a women’s health podcast to discuss not just the facts, but what can be done for women who are endo warriors in Australia.
The Movement of Endometriosis Australia
According to Endometriosis Australia, endometriosis affects 1 in 9 women. It can take on average 6 and a half years for those living with endometriosis to be diagnosed. With alarming statistics, it becomes critical to raise awareness about this condition.
In our ‘Women’s Health Talks’ podcast, Donna talks about the unique way she came together with her partner to spread awareness and education about this condition. According to Donna, there are five things you need to know:
Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory disease. It’s high degree of association with gynaecology is widely understood, since it most commonly impacts the female reproductive organs.
Endometriosis is however a whole-body disease, also frequently found in the bowel and bladder, and has been found in muscles, joints, the lungs and the brain.
Endometriosis is a multi-faceted disease that requires a multi-disciplinary approach, there is no single treatment that will work for everybody. If you believe you have endometriosis, it is necessary to take expert advise
“Read, read, read” Donna says – it is very important to stay informed about this condition. Both Endometriosis Australia and Atkins Health provide education and advise in this area of women’s health.
There is a value associated with the education and treatment of endometriosis, with the disease estimated to cost on average $30,000 per year per endo warrior.
To learn more about the disease, endometriosis symptoms and the research behind it, listen to the podcast at the top of the blog.
Endometriosis is a chronic disease that can display symptoms including pelvic pain, period pain, fatigue and bowel disturbances. However, the physical condition is complicated by the effects it has on emotional and mental health.
In order to have a better quality of life with endometriosis:
Read and learn more about endometriosis – stay tuned on Endometriosis Australia page and join us for tips on exercise on the Atkins Health Facebook page
Find out what works for you with your health care provider
Speak to a women’s health expert and find a program that would be suitable for you to maintain your health and wellness. To manage your endometriosis symptoms, you can create a stretches and exercise program.
Book a Call with us to discuss your health with one of our practitioners.